Monday, January 11, 2010

The Worst!

On Saturday the 9th on January, we played a show at the Hifi Bar & Ballroom in Melbourne with Jack Beats.

But a night of music and partying quickly turned to shit, as at precisely 2:00 am, just as Jack Beats were finishing and we were starting, someone stole our beloved CD's.

At the same time, this wasn't surprising. There was about 30 drunk 18 year old blokes on stage who had managed to overpower the extremely undermanned Hifi Bar security staff.

We lost 5 years worth of music and a lot of our unreleased works.

Whoever stole them is clearly enough of a dickhead to brag about it... So, if you know who did it - or if YOU did it - let us know how we can get them back.

We won't ask questions. You can stay anonymous... For all we care, you can burn all the disks. BUT WE NEED THEM BACK!

If you know anything, send us an email at

We stress again that we don't need to see you or talk to you... WE JUST WANT OUR CD'S BACK!




Turtle Tosser said...

Aaawch! that sucks guys! I really hope you can get them back! Don't you have a back-up from all your remixes on your pc or something? Because I don't think the dickhead who did this will give them back?

dingosarewild said...

Shit guys, that sucks cunt. Hope you get it back (to share with us :))

Anonymous said...

So Hifi bar never found em?

It's some of the worst news to hit melbourne music since michael hutchences hung himself.

Anonymous said...

i heard about this off one of mates who asked you, cos we were up on the stage when it must have happened. what fuckwits, honestly. we were that shattered that you's couldn't drop right here, right now.
hope you get them back boys, it was a mental set with what you had anyway boys.

Anonymous said...

You don't save your music on your computer?

Unknown said...

Fuk I hate thieves!!!! I do Hope you find catch and publicaly humiliate!! good luck.... im shure alot of people will be on the hunt, as that is just she-it!!!!

trumpdisco said...

thanks for caring guys...

we found them. some shit cunt thought they were jack beats cd's.

so yes!!!

come to the trashbags launch in melbourne on the 23rd and we will play a redemption set!

Unknown said...

cool! did the guy turned himself in, or did you found him somewhere?

trumpdisco said...

something like a friend of a friend of a friend, dunno really or care, just want em back so we can keep punishing peoples ears!!
and speaking of ear destroying we're also playing this thursday at tramp!

TGM said...

Awesome guys.

And the guy would be the same cunt if it actually were the Jack Beats cd's, it would be the same shit for Jack Beats too a guess.

Anonymous said...

There is jack beats using two laptops and the idiot thinks the cd wallet is theres... get a fucking clue.

glad you got them back boys, time to go awol and white ball.

0xFFFF_FFFF said...

So, you don't post on this blog for 2 months, then you come crawling back asking us all to help you find your stolen CDs.


Anonymous said...

maybe it was karma getting you back for posting uncleared tracks